Electric blankets

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Heating blankets and heating pads

If you're cold or in pain, we have just the right products for you. Here you'll find electric blankets, heating pads, heating pads, ponchos and blankets to keep you warm throughout the cold winter! If you're looking for a cheap electric blanket, you've come to the right place, because we have lots of cozy and affordable blankets.

Stay warm with an electric blanket from Teknikproffset

We may be a little biased in favor of the tech gadgets, but we think you'll appreciate our electric heating pads and blankets too. Thanks to it, you don't just have to rely on your body heat to do the job, but give it some help along the way. Using the included control, you can adjust the heating blanket to make it feel good for you.

Beurer heating blanket and products from several other well-known brands

Our Beurer heating blankets are some of our most popular products. We also have electric heating pads from, for example, Centurion, Mesko and Camry. If you prefer to use regular blankets, we also have these from Kosta Linnewäfveri, Nightingale, Champion, and Lord Nelson, among others.