Humidifiers & AC

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We have a wide range of air coolers and air conditioners for home use - both pure AC and air coolers that cool using cold water with or without ice in it.

Portable AC gives you more freedom

Our portable AC products allow you to choose exactly where and when you want to use them. Maybe you want to sit and read a book on your glazed balcony, but can't stand the unbearable heat? Or maybe you're taking the family up to the cottage for the holidays, but you know that the house hasn't been renovated since 1959 or so and has no air conditioning? Or do you want to be able to stand in the kitchen and cook Sunday dinner in a pleasant climate for once, even though the oven is running at 225 degrees? Or maybe all of the above?

A portable air conditioner can be moved around to any room you want, whenever you want, to create a more pleasant and comfortable climate within minutes. Even today, many new buildings lack built-in air cooling, so of course a portable AC can come in handy even then.

Large and varied range of air coolers

All air coolers have the same ultimate goal - to create a better indoor climate - especially during the summer months. But needs tend to differ quite a lot from person to person. Some people are concerned that the air cooler shouldn't make too much noise because they want to be able to sleep with it next to the bed, others want to be able to cool down the whole living room quickly and efficiently, and therefore want an AC with a larger capacity. Some just want a little cooling breeze to cool them down while sitting at their desk or on the sofa. Yes, you get the picture, there are many uses and needs differ. To cover as many of these as possible, we have a wide range of air conditioners so you can find a portable AC that suits you.

Air conditioning in different price ranges

We have both really cheap AC and more expensive air conditioners. The smallest and cheapest are small enough to sit on your desk or bedside table, while the largest can cool areas of 80 square meters or more. Whether they belong to a higher or lower market segment, you can rely on all our products to be affordable and provide great value for money.

Buy a portable AC or other form of air conditioning from us at Teknikproffset.