Not Original
Remote Plus for Wii/Wii U
Affordable high-quality remote for Wii/Wii U.
The controller is as small as a regular Wii/Wii U Remote and works with all Wii/Wii U games. Wii/Wii U Remote + Wii/Wii U Motion Plus = Wii/Wii U Remote Plus! Wii/Wii U Remote Plus is a combination of Wii/Wii U Remote and Wii/Wii U Motion Plus. It is as small as the Wii/Wii U Remote, works with all Wii/Wii U games, and has built-in Wii/Wii U MotionPlus technology.
Bluetooth, Wireless - Just like the original.
Silicone cover included
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