The hunt for the super crystal has begun! Only the player who has managed to capture all five World Crystals from the different BattleCaves and unite them into one Super Crystal has reached the goal: Power over all of ELDRADOR®! It's a difficult task because the World Crystals are not so easy to put together. Those who make the supercrystal should be careful to protect their precious treasure. The super crystal is in good hands in the BattleCave. Only those who know the combination can open the vault. Who will be the future ruler of ELDRADOR®? ELDRADOR® CREATURES BattleCaves turn every kid's room into an action zone! Who will join the thrilling battle? All BattleCaves can be combined. Scary tunnels and dangerous traps await the attackers. In the large arena they can then meet for the final duel. What a battle!
Ages 3 and up.
- Specifications
From age: 3 year - Manuals & Datasheets
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